“Clinician Resilience”
Friday, April 26, 2019 from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
Crescent Senior Living, 11052 Grapevine Cove, Sandy Utah
Our Presenters and Topics
Camille Kennard, LCSW, CHWC
Self-Care specialist, Flourish Wellness Consulting
Camille will teach clinicians how to:
1.Calm your anxious mind anywhere, anytime in 5 easy steps
2.Meditation for compassion and awareness
3.Movement to release physical and mental stress
Marette Monson, LCSW, MBA
Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator from the Figley Institute
Marette will teach clinicians:
1. The history, causes, treatment and prevention of compassion fatigue, burnout,
secondary traumatic stress, caregiver stress, countertransference, and vicarious
2. Identify the true causes of stress in personal and professional life
3. Learn skills for successful self-regulation of anxiety—ability to maintain
parasympathetic dominance regardless of personal or professional context
4. Develop knowledge and skills necessary to prevent the symptoms of compassion
fatigue through enhanced resiliency
Registration / Breakfast 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Presentations with breaks 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Lunch and networking 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM
4 CEUs to be provided to participants!
Half-day conference is free for USSWLHC current members
$30.00 for non-members
If you wish to join USSWHLC, for membership click here to join or renew
Email us with questions or to check on membership status usswlhc@gmail.com
Visit our site for upcoming events and details, www.usswlhc.org
Thanks to our sponsors:
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